Mind Battle: Good VS Evil

Living in this world as a human being is difficult.

We both know good and bad, but we realized our mind just manipulating us.

Think about it? Whatever we do and make are using our mind.

But, have you ever experienced battling if you should do this or that?

Certainly, I do.

When your making decisions of leaving the things you’re accustomed of. Like me, I like reading

electronic books that consumed mostly of my time than reading the Bible.

Then, my conscience speak up. Why I’m reading this? because it’s fun, my imagination expands, and I’m able to feel the characters what they felt even though they are surreal.

But, why spend less time reading the Bible? when we should it read the most than other books.

Is it because when we read the Bible, if feels like we are reading educational book. Personally, I felt also that way when my heart and mind is not willing. But, if you willingly read the Bible because you know it will help you, you will learn to appreciate every written word in the scripture, you will learn to apply it in your every day living.

Is it hard? Yes, it is hard.

Everyday, I’m facing this. When I decided to stop my addiction to reading electronics books, it’s not easy. Even though I uninstalled the application, I keep installing it.

I remembered, God is a jealous God. What belongs to Him, belongs only to Him, and that does not include worldly things. Do you realize that everything we have today is from God? But, we never thank Him. We only thank Him when we remembered Him,but God make little miracles everyday that we fail to see because we’re consumed already to this world.

We lack appreciation, we acknowledge the little miracles as just a lucky moment or time, but we never thank God from above.

Evil is fighting with God to own us, battling our good side to taint darkness in our hearts and minds.

For example, we are doing a big decision in our life, asking ourselves should we do it or not?

That is good and evil battling. Evil tends to let our mind wander to things that we like but God plans is different. He had another plan that even though it’s confusing from the stat we are able to understand in the end.


How about you?  Do you feel the same way that I do? Please drop a comment if you do, or what do you feel during your battle between good and evil.

Thanks by the way for spending time reading this post, it’s much appreciated. God bless!

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